Redis Tool

  1. A Redis monitoring tool can help you keep track of all the memory metrics you need, including cache hit ratio, blocked clients, memory fragmentation ratio, and evicted key stats. Basic activity metrics such as connectedclients. Redis has both an upper and lower limit for its number of connected clients.
  2. The REDIS tool is designed to support professional building owners and their advisors in the pre-design stage of building renovation projects. The tool consists of two parts – the REDIS dialogue tool and the REDIS prioritization tool.
  3. A faster and robust Redis management tool. For developers that need to manage data with confidence. It supports Redis 6.
  4. Nov 18, 2019 Getting started with Redis is a fairly seamless process, especially with the use of the Redis Desktop Manager (RDM) (link resides outside IBM). And since Redis and RDM are open source, active development communities are always working to improve their efficiency of operation and continuously evolve supported tools and integrations.

Redis is a NoSQL database system that is predominantly known for its speed, performance, and flexible data structures. Redis excels in many areas, including caching, session management, gaming, leaderboards, real-time analytics, geo spatial, ride-hailing, chat/messaging, media streaming, and pub/sub applications. The Redis dataset is stored entirely in memory, which contributes to its sub-millisecond response times; however, this also necessitates Redis monitoring.
The best way to ensure your Redis system is healthy and stable is to set up a comprehensive Redis monitoring tool to provide meaningful monitoring of all Redis performance metrics and swift alerting services. Applications Manager's Redis monitor is one of the few Redis monitoring tools that not only enables you to monitor Redis metrics, but also the system it's hosted on.

Monitor Redis performance parameters with Redis monitoring tool.

Since Redis is a database management system that relies on main memory for data storage, the most important metrics to look out for are the memory stats, i.e. used memory, memory fragmentation ratio, cache hit ratio, evicted key stats, and blocked clients. Applications Manager Redis monitor performance tool provides information about all of your databases' memory stats as well as overall system infrastructure health.
Another crucial metric that needs to be constantly monitored is network traffic. An unexplained change in the number of connections could be the result of broken connections between the application and the data source. With Applications Manager's extensive Redis monitoring capabilities, you can monitor network parameters like the number of connected and blocked clients, rejected connections, and connection stats (number of concurrent connections).

The Best Redis Monitoring Tools. There are many Redis monitoring tools available at the moment and investigating all of them will take up a lot of your time. Fortunately, this guide will cut down your candidate selection time by narrowing down your search to those monitoring tools that we have identified as the best.

With insightful Redis monitoring tools like Applications Manager's Redis monitor, you can make sure the latency always stays low by monitoring the connected slaves. Monitoring Redis dataset's persistence is crucial because if any Redis instance crashes or if there's a problem with the machine, in-memory dataset loss can occur. Applications Manager's Redis monitor tool provides the status of the last RDB save operation, AOF rewrite operation, etc., and alerts the user before critical data loss.

RedisRedis Tool

See how Applications Manager's Redis performance monitor can meet all your Redis monitoring needs. Talk to an expert now.

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Quickly troubleshoot issues with Applications Manager's Redis Monitor before they affect the workflow.

While monitoring Redis database, you may encounter issues and rapid resolution of such issues is necessary to avoid downtime and losses.

Applications Manager's Redis management software provides a best-in-class fault management system that helps you to identify the source of faults and easily troubleshoot them using the Root Cause Analyzer. Go beyond conventional monitoring and set up thresholds and anomaly profiles to identify gradual performance degradations and predict the likelihood of fault occurence. Additionally, you can run your own custom troubleshooting scripts with the help of built-in, automated actions.

Analyze Redis performance trends with data-rich reports.

Applications Manager's Redis performance monitoring tool aggregates key metrics and helps you visualize them through extensive reports. With the Trend Analysis reports, you can analyze the performance trends of various metrics. Access reports for all attributes, along with their historical trends, and compare the attribute reports of various databases. Applications Manager Redis management tool also uses machine learning techniques to predict growth trends and the utilization of Redis databases to help you make informed decisions while allocating resources.

In addition to Redis monitoring, Applications Manager supports monitoring for a number of NoSQL databases, including:


The REDIS tool is designed to support professional building owners and their advisors in the pre-design stage of building renovation projects. The tool consists of two parts – the REDIS dialogue tool and the REDIS prioritization tool.

Redis Tools Windows

The REDIS dialogue tool is based on the multi-criteria decision-making method AHP and provides a framework for setting goals in renovation projects and discussing priorities among the involved decision makers (currently up to five). The REDIS prioritization tool supports the user in choosing which buildings to renovate within a building portfolio based on the output from the REDIS dialogue tool (criteria and criteria weights), registration data of the existing buildings within the building portfolio (the framework currently allows up to 56) and renovation costs. The REDIS prioritization tool calculates a “Renovation Value Factor” which expresses which buildings give the building owner most value for money regarding renovation activities.

Redis tool pro

The screenshot below shows the results of the REDIS dialogue tool from a school renovation project:

Download the REDIS dialogue tool:

Download example:

Redis Tool

Download the REDIS Prioritization tool:

(includes randomly generated example data)

Redis Tools Windows

Copyright: Anne Nørkjær Gade