Dead Cells

Practice Makes Perfect

Kill, die, learn, and repeat in Dead Cells when it launches on Steam, GOG, Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and the Humble Store on August 7.The First 21 Minutes of De. Dead Cells is a roguevania action platformer that will require you to master frantic 2D combat with a wide variety of weapons and skills against merciless minions and boss. First available on PC and consoles, the indie hit Dead Cells is now slaying foes on mobile!

Important features

  • This update has brand new features to help onboarding of new, returning or casual Dead Cells players.
  • Community suggestionTraining Room
    Prisoners’ Quarters just got a bit less inhospitable! An old acquaintance makes a surprising return to help the Beheaded train against the many threats of the island!
    To unlock this feature, you’ll need to find a key on the corpse of a certain short-lived NPC in Prisoner’s Quarters...
    Enter the Training Room from the starting section of Prisoners’ Quarters, spawn mobs that you already fought and train against them! You can also fight bosses that you encountered in previous runs.
  • Aspects
    Aspects are super strong yet optional perks equippable at the start of a run to make the game easier. There is a catch though: you can’t unlock a new boss cell nor unlock flawless boss achievements while an Aspect is equipped.
    3 are unlocked by default and you get a new one at random every time you die.
    Aspects are unlocked right after the introduction runs at the start of the game.
  • World Map
    Access the World Map from the existing Biome Map. It features all the Biomes you have already discovered, as well as the paths between all of them! (We unfortunately cannot guess what transitions you already discovered, time to explore all that again...)_.
    It will also show you the path you took during your current run.
    We hope you'll like the look of locked biomes, it's been a... heated subject, to say the least.
    The World Map is unlocked by default.
  • New No-Hit Outfits
    Beat your favorite bosses without taking any hit to unlock an Exclusive Golden Outfit! (aka, bragging rights.)
  • Incentive for picking your least visited biomes. The info is available at the Exit Door and on the World Map when applicable. Mobs will drop more cells in those biomes.
  • Multi-Binding is now properly removed from Normal Mode and only available in Custom Mode. A new menu in custom mode has been created to configure an alternate binding profile that enables Multi-Binding, and to enable it for your next custom run.

Graphics & UI

Quality of life

  • Reminder after killing the Hand of the King to use the Homonculus Rune to exit the run (except in 5BC or after the first 0BC kill).
  • Community suggestion You can now sell Flask Refills.
  • Current total damage update is now displayed in the Scroll Picker menu.
  • Return Stones now teleport you outside their relative Z-Door.
  • And a few more coming in the upcoming testing phases.
  • Added a hint as to where to find the fifth Boss Cell, for the unfortunate misguided ones.
  • Blueprints blocked by DLCs are now indicated on the Collector's UI
  • New sign after the Collector, gently asking you not to break the door.
  • Having beaten a Boss flawlessly before will give the corresponding Outfit's Blueprint when starting a new game. Update 25.1

Bug fixes

  • Backpack fixes
    The Backpack has received some love, in the form of... bugfixes! (yay)
    - Can no longer drop the backpack item mid-cutscene.
    - Fireblast and Lighting Bolt used in main hands can trigger Acrobatipack
    - Fireblast and Lighting Bolt used by Acrobatipack can no longer trigger indefinitely.
    - DoT effects applied by your Backpack weapon have their damage nerfed accordingly.
    - Switching the Backpack's UI position no longer sets your stats to 0.
    - Putting your Backpack weapon into an empty slot doesn't hide the UI anymore.
    - Parrying with Armadillopack only applies the affixes of your Backpack shield instead.
    - Everything can be parried with Armadillopack! (At least we hope)
    - Using Porcupack with Seismic Strike roots enemies.
    - War Javelins fired with Acrobatipack return instantly.
    - Hitting a Thorny's back while having Porcupack equipped properly deals damage.
  • Misc. fixes
    - Crystal Turrets spawned from Elite Mobs won't lose track of the player.
    - Demolishers and Oven Knights no longer turn around when rooted.
    - A certain room in a certain spoiler level had floating props... not anymore.
  • Crashes, so many crashes
  • Rhythm n' Bouzouki not showing its note effect in sub-levels (such as the Training Room). Update 25.1

Update Log

When a Cancer cell is killed or dies an immune response occurs. This means many things are happening that are involved with the immune system. One of the bodies many partners in the immune system is the macrophage cell. A macrophage cell can literally detect dead cells through smell, much like a scavenger bird detects dead animals. Whenever dead cells reach the part of the bloodstream patrolled by a macrophage, the macrophages surrounds them and converts dead cancer cells into easily removed components, this is called “Efferocytosis”

All living (human) cells have a “cell membrane” around their outside that separates them from each other and from all the other stuff in our tissues. Also, cells have “organelles” inside them (a nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, etc.), and some of those structures are also surrounded by membranes. The membranes are critical, because they keep everything in its place. Imagine a kind of like zip-lock bag that keeps stuff separated in your picnic cooler. The membranes around the lysosomes are especially important, because lysosomes contain the enzymes that cells use to digest the things they eat.

Dead Cells Wiki

Okay, so what happens after a cell dies? (There are two main ways a cell can die ~ necrosis, or apoptosis). Regardless of what causes a cell to die, whether it’s a lack of oxygen, physical damage, chemical poisoning, energy starvation,nutrient overload, etc., the outcome will pretty much be the same.

All the biochemical pathways that allowed the cell to perform its normal functions and what held it together physically will stop when the cell dies. Those membranes around the outside of the cell and on the inside (keeping all those innards separated) will become leaky. That leakiness will allow enzymes and chemicals that are inside the cell to leak out; and other chemicals and fluids that are supposed to stay outside the cell will pass in. The zip-lock baggies full of enzymes (the lysosomes) will ooze, and their contents will begin to digest the insides of the cell. The chromosomes that were arranged so nicely in the nucleus of the cell will break into small pieces. Proteins in the cell (and there are lots proteins) will “denature”. Basically, the chemical bonds in the proteins will fall apart, causing the proteins to lose their normal shape and get all wadded up. (Think of what happens when you fry an egg. All that protein is being denatured.) The lipid membranes will continue to degrade.

While all this is going on inside the cell, the stuff that’s leaking out of it will attract scavengers. In this case, the scavengers are white blood cells whose job is to eat (literally) and digest dead things such as dead cells and cell debris. There are two main types of cells that do that: neutrophils and macrophages, both of which are called “phagocytes”.

The neutrophils almost always come from the blood, and they get to the dead cells first. Neutrophils squeeze through the blood vessel walls and move to where the dead cells are. Macrophages take a little longer to arrive and also come from the blood; but there are also lots of macrophage-type cells already in the tissues of the body (in addition to those in the blood). They’re sort of like resident garbage collectors. Neutrophils and macrophages are attracted by chemical signals released by the dying/dead cells.

Once the neutrophils and macrophages (the phagocytes) get to where the dead cells are, they start eating them. By that time, there won’t be much left of the dead cells except random chunks and hollowed-out (digested) bags filled with molecular slush. So it’s usually not difficult for the phagocytes to eat that debris and digest it completely. Everything gets recycled, all the proteins and sugars, the nucleic acids, the energy-containing components, all of it gets re-used by other cells. Nothing goes to waste. Dead cancer cells are as tasty to a phagocyte as any other type of dead cell.

The dead cells cannot “re-enter the bloodstream” once they’ve been digested by macrophages, because the digestion process breaks down the chunks into individual chemical components (amino acids, lipids, sugars, minerals). The dead cells will not pass into the intestinal tract to be disposed of. All that stuff in the lower intestinal tract is stuff we’ve eaten but have not digested and absorbed, like plant fibers (cellulose, lignin) and intestinal bacteria. The cells in the wall of the intestine will add a little mucus and some water to slide things along more easily. And, as those intestinal cells grow old and die, they will be sloughed off into the intestinal contents.

Dead Cells

Dead cancer cells will not end up being flushed down your toilet just unwanted waist from the dead cancer cells. This happens every day to dead normal cells and dead cancer cells that are moved from the immune system through the intestine, kidney and/or liver as a result of “Slough” (A layer or mass of dead tissue separated from surrounding living tissue, as in a wound, sore, or inflammation).

Dead Cells Game