Certificate Hex To Decimal Converter Excel

The following examples allow you to convert hexadecimal values of the format 0xYYYYYY to decimal using a spreadsheet editor like Calc or Excel. The following codes will remove the first two characters (the value 0x) of the cell B2 and then convert the result to decimal using the HEX2DEC function. About Hex to BCD Converter. The Hex to BCD Converter is used to convert a hex (Base-16) number to a BCD (Binary-coded decimal). Binary-coded Decimal. In computing and electronic systems, binary-coded decimal (BCD) is a digital encoding method for decimal numbers in which each digit is represented by its own binary sequence. When faced with signed hexadecimal numbers of unknown length, how can one use Excel formulas to easily convert those hexadecimal numbers to decimal numbers? Example Hex - 00 FF FE FD 0A 0B.

  1. Certificate Hex To Decimal Converter Excel File
  2. Certificate Hex To Decimal Converter Excel Online

In this article, we will learn about how to use the HEX2DEC function in Excel.

HEX2DEC function in excel is used to convert Hexadecimal representation of numbers of radix 16 to Decimal numbers (radix = 10).

The table shown below shows you some of the most used base & their radix of Alpha - numeric characters

BaseradixAlpha-Numeric Characters
Binary20 - 1
Octal80 - 7
Decimal100 - 9
hexadecimal160 - 9 & A - F
hexatridecimal360 - 9 & A - Z
Certificate hex to decimal converter excel

Hexadecimal number is representation of a number of radix 16. 10 digits starting from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9 along with 6 alphabets starting from A, B, C, D, E & F where Decimal number representation have 8 digits from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The below table will help you understand better.


Conversion formulation is shown below:

Certificate Hex To Decimal Converter Excel File


  1. Separate the digits
  2. Multiply the separated digit with 160, 161,162, 163 and so on starting from the rightmost digit correspondingly.
  3. Get the sum of all the multiplied numbers. There it is our decimal number
4A ( = 10 decimal)3
4 x 16210 x 1613 x 160
4A3 ( octal ) = 1187( decimal )

The HEX2DEC function converts the Hexadecimal number of radix 16 to the Decimal number of radix 10.

Number : Hexadecimal number which returns the 10 character Decimal number.
[Places] : [optional] number where result expressed upto the number.
The input value to the function cannot contain more than 10 characters ( 10 bits ). Where first number returns the sign of the number (positive or negative) & Other 9 returns the value after the sign.
To get a negative number, input number must have 10 characters starting with first bit as it represents the negative sign. The negative number is calculated using two's complement notation. Any less than 10 characters, the function considers default 0s in front.

Now let’s get more understanding of the function via using them in some examples.

Here we have some Hexadecimal values in Hexadecimal Column. We need to convert these Hexadecimal numbers to Decimal value.

Use the formula in Hexadecimal column:


A2 : number provided to the function as cell reference or text in quotes

Values to the HEX2DEC function is provided as cell reference.
The HEX2DEC representation of 2 of base 16 (hexadecimal) is 2 of base 10 (decimal).

216= 210

Now copy the formula to other cells using the Ctrl + D shortcut key.
As you can see here the HEX2DEC function returns the result of the input values.


  1. Numbers can be given as argument to the function directly with quotes or cell reference in excel.
  2. The function doesn’t consider the [places] number in case of a negative decimal number.
  3. If the input Hexadecimal number is negative it cannot be less than 1FFFFFFF and if the number is positive it cannot be greater than FFE0000000 .
  4. If the input [places] number is not an integer, it is truncated by the function.
  5. The function returns the Decimal value for the max value of + 536870911 & minimum value upto - 536870912 (only integers).
  6. The function returns the #NUM! Error
    1. If the input Hexadecimal number is less than 1FFFFFFF or greater than FFE0000000 .
    2. If the input number [places] is zero or negative.
    3. If the input number [places] is not sufficient for the resulting positive Decimal number.
  7. The function returns the #VALUE! Error
    1. If the input [places] number is text or non-numeric.

Hope you understood how to use HEX2DEC function and referring cell in Excel. Explore more articles on Excel mathematical conversion functions here. Please feel free to state your query or feedback for the above article.

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